The Omega Review :
PwnPurdue Chapter
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
  Plug me into the Matrix, please.
Brain implants are making leaps and bounds in this new fangled futuristic whirlwind, which we call life.
whilst my mind was wandering in one of my various classes, I had a awesome/cool/most likely already thought of idea! let's take brain damaged patients, install brain implants, and place them in a virtual environment where they can function. their actions would be determined by their minds capacity. basically create a matrix like program where we can give these people a little semblance of life.
if this could work, I wouldn't be surprised to see gaming incorporate itself with brain implants. imagine plugging yourself into a game. some serious .//hack anime stuff there.
Yet, are there ethical and moral dilemmas with this possible development? Add your thoughts!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
  Second Life can suck it
WTF is up with SecondLife. I mean its pretty self-explanatory and easy to understand..sorta...
SecondLife lets you create a avatar to which you can represent your physical self or a idealized image of yourself. apparently, businesses, professors, and various others are having secondlife meetings. you take your avatar in game and meet at the designated "office" or meeting spot to which you can talk (via typing) to each other. Here's my beef tho. My secondlife doesnt look anything like me...well...i mean sorta. but irl i dont necessarily have white angel wings with which i fly around. nor do i wear the slutty lime green bikini everywhere i go. I would be beyond humiliated to meet with my Com professor dressed in such regalia. I'll stick with video conferencing thank you.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
  Online Love
Really boys?? stop proposing to me in-game. I mean you're cool and all, but that's a lvl of weird that I have no desire to reach. "omg, so last night my bf and I waited 3 hrs at the nm spawn point just waiting for it to pop in order to get the +50 all skills ring of might..gah but it like totally didnt drop." yup that sounds like a great convo w/ my gal pals the next day. lol. Now, i will apologize because I am a really fun flirt in-game, then again, i'm real good irl ;) this virtual love fad is ridiculous. Proximity is a very important characteristic of affection. but with virtual envirments our perception of proximity is altered. if you're in chicago and i'm in miami yet we're both in the same server our idea of "closeness" is changed. this is both intruiging and disturbing. If any of you have thoughts, please comment.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
So I am obsessed with Leveling my various characters. So much so that I frequently forget about discovering the storyline and forcus primarily on gaining experience points (exp). Take Final Fantasy XI for example. I could not tell you what was going on in the grand scheme of things of Vana'Diel. All I know is I am 3.5k tnl (till/to next level). I've been playing FFXI on and off for over 4 years and still consider myself a noob. my highest lvl would be my 46 White Mage. I dont know how some people get their chars up to the level cap in a few months. FFXI is soo party heavy it makes solo play nearly impossible. I've spent many nights just waiting for party invites. then once in a party, wasting an hour just waiting for the grindage to get moving. This is probably why World of Warcraft is so successful. You have many players online but dont necessarily need to party with them. Independence is something that is lacking in FFXI. hopefully square-enix has paid attention to the players and improve upon their mmo in the upcoming FFXIV.

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