The Omega Review :
PwnPurdue Chapter
Anit-Kemonodzume Faction....Now taking applications
Hey everyone!
Sorry I haven’t contributed to this site at all… but I’m working on it! As we can see, Joe has given his defense for the anime kemonodzume…. I on the other hand, had a completely different take on the show. It may have the fundaments of a good anime : fast paced fictional storyline, complicated characters, romance, and the good ole hack and slash. But the way kemonodzume goes about showing all these aspects is just WRONG! I get the monsters who devour humans….that makes perfect sense, but if the developers wanted to recruit more viewers they should have used more detailed and cohesive drawings. The basic shape of the monster is hardly enough to keep me interested. And as I keep trying to force myself to like the main character, cant help but stare at him .. I can hardly admire a character who craps his pants when he gets freaked out. Plus his choice in women is lacking. He falls head over heals for a chick he crashed into while she was parachuting …at night…. Akward. ALL IN THE FIRST EPISODE! Ridiculous! Just gets better though, after chasing the girl down and staring into her misshapen eyes, they start making out and later have a anti-erotic sex sequence. Now I like sex as much as the next guy..but when a chick is transforming into a monster every few seconds, I cant help but be repulsed. Anyways. Kemonodzume is just BAD. Its too random to even keep your eves open for. Sorry this isn’t a great review. But I just can’t keep typing about this terrible excuse for an anime. TRUST ME: don’t waste your time with this one!
JA NE! Omega Rukia
Indepth Review Coming Soon
I got a Wii.
I'll come up with a review in a week or two after I've had the chance to explore it WAY more. :D But for now I'll say this about it...
Videogame Review: Phoenix Wright!
When my mother's birthday started to come around, me and my sister asked what she would like for us to buy her? Her response was an enthusiastic "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney!" Surprised, me and my sister bought it for her. Not knowing what to expect, I waited until I saw her at work the next day to ask her what she thought. "It's one of the best games I've played in a long time. It's even made me laugh out loud several times." Which doesn't happen often with my mom when she's playing something by herself.
Well, she's finally beat it, and letting me play it. Now that I'm almost done, I think it's time for my first videogame review. I present to you...

[Known in Japan as Turnabout Courtroom: Turnabout Revival!]
You play Phoenix Wright, novice defense attorney. Your objective? Defend those suspected of crimes (such as...MURDER!). Sounds simple doesn't it?
At first, it actually is simple. When I first fired the game up, I remember sitting in my chair saying to myself "Holy crap, I don't know the first thing about being an attorney!" Thankfully, the game does an amazing job of showing you how everything works, and what you should be doing.
First step is you go to the crime scene, attempting to gather evidence that you think is suspicious and will help cast doubt as to who really did the deed. Then when you're in court during the trial your job is to find contradictions in witness testimony, exploiting ever single tiny difference in their statements in a search for glaring holes in the prosecution's case against whoever you're defending.
As dumb as it sounds, it's actually a LOT of fun. Phoenix's expressions are priceless. I've never failed to laugh after he objects to something by slamming his fingers on his desk and pointing his finger at whoever he is yelling at. Seriously, if I could point as good of a finger like he could, I'd be rich...

[The Legendary Finger, given while pressing a witness on the stand for more information]
There are 5 different cases in the game, which sounds short at first sure, but as you beat each case the next one gets longer and more difficult. Their testimony more and more solid. It starts to provide quite the challenge when you have a suspected murderer who's prints are on the murder weapon, but who didn't actually kill anyone. See what I'm saying? Have fun defending that one, Mr. Joe Average lawyer, you ain't got nothin' on Phoenix Wright.
All in all, this is a very unique, and very well done game. I'm looking forward to the sequel, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - And Justice For All. So if you're lookin' for a good DS game, I recommend this. Enjoy, and we shall see you later.
If Phoenix Wright Says It, It Must Be True
Trust me, the man cannot lie. He speaks the truth! Haha, sorry, I just couldn't help it, it's awesome! :D
More Things Added
Alright, I think I'm pretty much done with the sidebar for a while. Recommendation section is up with pretty pictures of stuff you should look into. Now hopefully we'll be able to do a podcast episode at some point next week, and will begin to add more reviews and things as the days go by. Look forward to it! :D Here's lookin' at you kid!
Still Chuggin' Along
Well, work on the site here is coming along as smoothly as one could expect I suppose. Added some stuff on the side (hope you're also enjoying the picture Miss Rukia did) and hope to maybe add some more stuff soon. Since this is a review site, I'm going to post on here a review I did for a different site so you guys will have something to look at. Enjoy!
...Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to my review of...
Now some of you may be saying to yourself "Kemonodzume? What the hell is that? I've never heard of it!" Trust me when I say it's an anime and a damn good one at that.The premise of this show is that in the distant past when Gods still walked around in human form a woman who was going to be sacrificed was saved by a man. Well, this irked the Gods pretty badly, and as a result they turned the man and woman into horrible monsters who must feast on humans in order to survive. Fast forward to present times and you find out the monsters descendants live secretly among the humans. However, they have to deal with the Kifuuken, a group of warriors who have been dealing with the monsters for hundreds of years.One of my favorite aspects of this show is the animation. I've heard that one of the biggest complaints from most manga artists is how much everyone's art looks alike. Kemonodzume however, breaks from this problem rather well. The animation, in all honesty, looks like nothing more the quick scribbles from some fat, lazy guy who couldn't of given a rat's ass about anything other then his ramen that was cooking. Don't believe me?The entire show looks like this, and yet in this case it works. It's almost like a breath of fresh air. Sure, there are other animes out there that have some of the most gorgeous animation out there (Steamboy or Akira anyone?) but its good to see that there are people out there still willing to experiment and try new things.I'm going to end the review there, mainly because if this review has interested you in the show in any way possible, I don't want to ruin anything for you. Some of you may be saying "Holy crap I need this show where can I see it?!" Apologies to those of you with dial-up, because the only way I know of to watch this show (aside from actually living in Japan) is to download it from the website of a fan sub group. Just do a Google search for it, and I'm sure you'll have no problems at all finding it.Well, I hope you enjoyed reading this. Have a good day, and look forward to another one coming soon.(Sorry the pictures look so goofy, they were too big so I had to shrink them down to size. If you click on them you can view them in their original size.)Alright, as for changes made today, I've added Haloscan, which means anyone (even if you don't have a Blogger account) can post a comment (and it just looks nicer), and I've added a Fan Site section to the column. See you another time!
so FYI: i created the awesome pic we see behind this text! woot woot! i have a new found love for adobe photoshop! next to master is adobe premiere! weeee! if people are worried that they havent seen me for 3 months, they'll be even more worried when im gone for 6 months. weeee!! there is so much to do and play, i just don't know how to manage it all! oye! well so long for now, ja ne!
Test Post
Test and tested.
Just a gamer girls various blogs on games, developers, and a mess of other things.