Anit-Kemonodzume Faction....Now taking applications
Hey everyone!
Sorry I haven’t contributed to this site at all… but I’m working on it! As we can see, Joe has given his defense for the anime kemonodzume…. I on the other hand, had a completely different take on the show. It may have the fundaments of a good anime : fast paced fictional storyline, complicated characters, romance, and the good ole hack and slash. But the way kemonodzume goes about showing all these aspects is just WRONG! I get the monsters who devour humans….that makes perfect sense, but if the developers wanted to recruit more viewers they should have used more detailed and cohesive drawings. The basic shape of the monster is hardly enough to keep me interested. And as I keep trying to force myself to like the main character, cant help but stare at him .. I can hardly admire a character who craps his pants when he gets freaked out. Plus his choice in women is lacking. He falls head over heals for a chick he crashed into while she was parachuting …at night…. Akward. ALL IN THE FIRST EPISODE! Ridiculous! Just gets better though, after chasing the girl down and staring into her misshapen eyes, they start making out and later have a anti-erotic sex sequence. Now I like sex as much as the next guy..but when a chick is transforming into a monster every few seconds, I cant help but be repulsed. Anyways. Kemonodzume is just BAD. Its too random to even keep your eves open for. Sorry this isn’t a great review. But I just can’t keep typing about this terrible excuse for an anime. TRUST ME: don’t waste your time with this one!
JA NE! Omega Rukia
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