Why I HATE Macs
Let it be known far and wide, I, Kaitlin Ann McQueen, loathe Macs. Apple can go suck it.
I know they are streamline and "user-friendly", or so the ads say, but in my opinion, I feel that Macs treat their users like idiots.
You can only do so much with Macs on your own. Tons of programs are not compatible w/ Mac and you have to buy a special version for that program to run. Tedious much?
In any case, the sheer size and placement of the toolbar is enough to make me cringe. It's like apple is saying "Here I am, you want to click me, I can bounce and everything!!".
And what is up with the mouse?! Seriously, I only get 1 click? It's like apple doesnt trust the users to understand the differences in Left and Right clicks.
Excuse me for wanting a computer that will do anything I want it to do.
I'm a poor college student who wastes most of her money on video games and I'm a PC.
Labels: apple, Macs, pc
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