Give me a dose of Dragon Age

Bioware, you are amazing and I'd like to buy you a drink. Really when it comes to storyline and characters, Bioware does it like none other. I do believe they rival that of Square-Enix. Let me start from the beginning.
I love Mass Effect. Consequentially, I love Bioware. So as I was browsing the aisles in my local Best Buy, I spot "Dragon Age: Origins". I thought to myself, "hmmm...Bioware...Dragons...RPG...Bioware...must buy." and I'm so glad I did. Although, at first, I was singing a different tune.
My first attempt at DragonAge was confusion and alittle bit of bitterness. Here in my hands was something I was not fond of: a voiceless, emotionless avatar representing me in this wide world. BUT, I was quicly won over by the endless conversation tree possibilities. Where once I thought I couldn't express my personal ideas of the situations in a game, I found that DragonAge offered something close to my feelings. Bioware gives the players many various responses; the holistic route, the angry/jaded route, nonchalant, and even coy responses are at the ready.
If you can make it through the "tutorial" part of the game, you will be hooked. It's all thanks to your amazing party members. Their background stories are intruiging and they all are able to evoke a emotional response from the player. My romantic interest Alistair made me laugh out loud many times, and his romantic flustering was flattering. Morrigan constantly pissed me off and most of the time I was cursing at her everytime I saw the "Morrigan disapproves -10" to any nice thing I did in the game. You really form a relationship w/ these fictional characters, as nerdy as that sounds.
All in all, DragonAge is a must play. Because, in the beginning Bioware made DragonAge...and it was good, so they made Mass Effect.
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Labels: Bioware, Dragon Age Origins, gaming, RPG, xbox 360
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